Cisco ISG PBHK and L4 redirection with vrf scenarios
Subscriber and portal may be in different VRF’s.
Subscriber PBHK İnterface Portal
———- —— ——
Global Global Global
VRF A VRF A VRF A (Portal and PBHK router must be connected on the same device)
VRF A Global Global
Restriction for the second option;
ISG is not supporting mpls vpn tagged traffic coming from the portal. That means, If the PBHK interface and the portal is in a vrf, portal must be directly connected to the PBHK router.
For the last option. There is no route for the portal in subscriber VRF. There is a need for static route or etc.
ip route vrf VRFA portal_ip_address next_hop_for_portal global
Also we need port bundle command on the backbone,mpls interface.